Dangerous Prayer Against Strange Women Part 2–by Tella Olayeri

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Dangerous prayer against strange women Marriage has the greatest potential for deep emotional injury. The person who knew you best can hurt you most. Marriage can be difficult to navigate because of one major variable-the other woman, called strange woman. Strange women contribute most to discover rate in our society this day. When it happens no one comes out of it unscratched. The aftermath of infidelity is much. This is more reason you should handle it with dangerous and violent prayers in the like of the book you are holding. The time is now, not tomorrow. The burden of marital calamity is on your shoulder. You must rise on your feet and fight back in prayer. Your aim is to release and win back your husband. The kisses and love from him must not end that way. Strange women must not take over your home or share your house with you. The book addresses it all. It shall do a miraculous work of transformation, restoration, healing and fruitfulness in your marriage.


5 in stock

Weight 12.5 oz
Dimensions 6 × 5.5 × 8.5 in