There is moral deficit in the society. Sex pollution is high. Giants are brought down low while mighty nations are reduced to the background. Ladies walk the streets half naked scouting for illicit sex while men’s mind are occupied with immoral thoughts. Sexual immorality has become the order of the day. There is a spirit behind it. It is called spirit of dog.
Spirit of dog unleash unfold terror and attacks on people and men of God alike. Our society don’t seek as a priority what pleases the Lord for their lives. There is wild race for immorality. They go for that which is right in their eyes, rather than what is pleasing to God. Everyone goes his own way to satisfy appetite for sex.
Spirit of dog has no respect for anyone, age, sex or religion inclusive. It strives hard to cause uproar even among the learned. Spirit of dog ensures its victims kick against moral, medical and constitutional rights of the land. It manipulates victims in the spirit and makes them wayward in real life leading to sexual scandals.
The book reveals much of this spirit and how to deal with it. Pick this book and give spirit of dog an extinct spiritual deadly blow. God bless.
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